



Tuition Fee Payment Criteria

The tuition fee for each course is payable in advance in full in the shape of Money order, Bank Demand Draft or online fee transfer into the following given account of the Institute:


Note: – Fee structure for each course is available on website at

Admission Procedures

Admissions are advertised through Press Information Department (PID) in the print, electronic medias by the Trade Testing Board, Directorate General Technical Education & manpower training and closing date is given for each Batch and students are at liberty to take admission in any number of courses before the concluding date.


Eligibility for Admission

All students who passed X/XII year’s education or holding professional DAE qualification are entitled for admission in any professional, vocational and technical course of one year duration or even Two years courses being offered in DLE as EBE and FTES and RPL education systems.


Admission in Any Number of Courses

Students are allowed to take admission in any number of courses at one time.




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